
How To: Plant Based Eating in Boise, Idaho

My BA in Art Education with a minor in science (Chemistry, Biology, Botany) uniquely equips me to work with clients with a variety of learning styles.  I meet them where they are and bring them to where they would hope to be in understanding food as information for health.  My background as oldest and only daughter had me organizing, cooking and teaching nutrition early.  This thread continued through 4-H (State winner in Dairy Foods), and later raising two scholar athletes as a full-time educator.  The strangest piece was doing Iditarod food drops for 2 mushers for 4 years and training my legally blind musher Rachael Scdoris how to cook and do her own food drops (a minimum of 30 meals, for extreme athletes, over the course of 12-14 days, prepared and frozen ahead and part of the 22 food drops along the 1,100 miles of interior Alaskan wilderness).

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plant based food coach

Becki Lee Timson

Food RX Coach